Tag Archives: champagne corks

What is in a Name?


Our cork collection is underway, and I spent some time the other day printing names in size 14 English font and cutting them out into 3 x 8 cm rectangles, then mounting them onto 4 x 9 cm pieces of blue card – the same hammered surface kind as we used in the invites. I used pritt stick – a cheap kind I bought in Home Bargains and turned out to be much better than the usual stuff in that it actually stuck down without forming blobs or sticking the work pieces to the desk. Success! Victory! Hurrah!

We haven’t finished them, mostly because of a few people who haven’t managed to RSVP, or over whom there are various confusions, but all in all, I have about 60-odd of these things:


To slip the place names into the cork, all I did was stand the cork on its most stable side and use a small hacksaw to cut half a centimetre depth. They are then simple to assemble.


Simply Corking

Hello everybody. *Waves*

Today I just wanted to share this beautiful image of Jo’s cork place names she made for fellow bride Kellie.


The Fiance and I are planning to do something similar, using (like Kellie) champagne corks for the top table and bottle corks for the rest. We currently have almost 60 corks, but are still collecting. To date, I think all the bottles these are from were consumed (or partly consumed) by us, but this may change by May! Kellie actually went a step further and ensured all the corks were from French wines! But I don’t think we can drink enough Oxford wine…